- M. Singh, A. Manoharan, A. Ratnoo and P. B. Sujit, “Three Dimensional UAV Path Following Using SDRE Guidance,” 2019 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2019, pp. 482-490.
- A. Manoharan, R. Sharma, and P. B. Sujit, “Nonlinear Model Predictive Control to Aid Cooperative Localization,” 2019 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2019, pp. 26-32.
- P. Maini, K. Sundar, M. Singh, S. Rathinam and P. B. Sujit, “Cooperative Aerial-Ground Vehicle Route Planning with Fuel Constraints for Coverage Applications,” in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
- S. Banik, S. Rathinam and P. B. Sujit, “Min-Max Path Planning Algorithms for Heterogeneous, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” 2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV), Porto, Portugal, 2018, pp. 1-6.
P Maini, K Yu, PB Sujit, P Tokekar, “Persistent monitoring with refueling on a terrain using a team of aerial and ground robots”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent(2018)
R Jain, R Tiwari, P Jain, PB Sujit, “Distributed Fault-Tolerant and Balanced Multi-Robot Area Partitioning for Coverage Applications”, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft(2018).
- P. Maini, K. Sundar, S. Rathinam, P. B. Sujit, “Cooperative planning for fuel-constrained aerial vehicles and ground-based refueling vehicles for large-scale coverage”, CoRR, vol. abs/1805.04417, 2018
- Alvika Gautam, Ashwini Ratnoo, and PB Sujit. 2018. Log Polynomial Velocity Profile for Vertical Landing. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 41, 7 (2018), 1617–1623.
- P. Maini, S. Rathinam, and P. B. Sujit, “Curvature constrained trajectory planning for a uav through a sequence of points: A perturbation approach,” in Asian Control Conference, 2017, pp. 1276–1281.
- A. Gautam, P. B. Sujit, S. Saripalli, “Autonomous Quadrotor Landing Using Vision and Pursuit Guidance”, IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 50, pp. 10501-10506, 2017.
- Rohan Tiwari, Puneet Jain, Sujit Baliyarasimhuni, Sachit Butail and Michael Goodrich: Effect of Leader Placement on Robotic Swarm Control, International conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, São Paulo, Brazil. May 2017.
- Hugo Oliveira, P.B. Sujit and J.B. Sousa, Robust detection and tracking of ground vehicles using UAV, AIAA GNC, Grapevine, Texas, Jan 2017.
- Parikshit Maini and P.B. Sujit, Path planning for a UAV with kinematic constraints in the presence of polygonal obstacles, International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), Arlington, Virginia, June 2017, pp. 62-67.
- Sandip Aine and P.B. Sujit, Integrating Planning and Control for Efficient Path Planning in the Presence of Environmental Disturbances, International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, London, UK, June 2016.
- Rucco, Alessandro, P. B. Sujit, Antonio Pedro Aguiar, and João Sousa, Optimal UAV Rendezvous on a UGV, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, p. 0895, 2016.
- Nishant Sharma, Jose Pinto, and P.B. Sujit: BugFlood: A bug inspired algorithm for efficient path planning in an obstacle rich environment, AIAA Infotech @ Aerospace, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2016-0254).
- D. T. Ho, E. I. GrØtli, P. B. Sujit, T. A. Johansen, and J. Sousa, Optimization of wireless sensor network and UAV data acquisition, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2015.
- PB Sujit, JG Manathara, Debasish Ghose, JB de Sousa: Decentralized Multi-UAV Coalition Formation with Limited Communication Ranges. Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: 2021-2048 (2015)
- K. Sundar, P.B. Sujit, S. Rathinam, D.E. Lucani, and J.B. Sousa: Algorithms for collecting data from cooperating sensor motes using unmanned vehicles, Indian Control Conference, Chennai, India, Jan 2015.
- Maini, Parikshit, and P. B. Sujit. On cooperation between a fuel constrained UAV and a refueling UGV for large scale mapping applications. In Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 1370-1377. IEEE, 2015.
- Maini, Parikshit, and P. B. Sujit. Distributed task servicing using multiple robots with human-in-the-loop under limited communication range. Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. ACM, 2015.
- Garg, Mayank, Abhishek Kumar, and P. B. Sujit. Terrain-based landing site selection and path planning for fixed-wing UAVs. In Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2015 International Conference on, pp. 246-251. IEEE, 2015.
- Gautam, Alvika, P. B. Sujit, and Srikanth Saripalli. “Application of guidance laws to quadrotor landing.” In Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2015 International Conference on, IEEE, 2015.
- Nishant Sharma, Parikshit Maini and P. B. Sujit, A Multi-Robot Foraging Model on Deciding Predation Risk VS. Food Quality Trade-Offs, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2014
- Gautam, Alvika, P. B. Sujit, and Srikanth Saripalli. “A survey of autonomous landing techniques for UAVs.” A survey of autonomous landing techniques for UAVs.” Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2014 International Conference on. IEEE, 2014.
- Sujit, P., Srikanth Saripalli, and J. Sousa. “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Path Following: A Survey and Analysis of Algorithms for Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicless.” Control Systems, IEEE 34.1 (2014): 42-59.
- P. B. Sujit, B. P. Hudzietz, S. Saripalli: Route Planning for Angle Constrained Terrain Mapping Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 69(1-4): 273-283 (2013)
- P. B. Sujit, S. Saripalli: An Empirical Evaluation of Coordination Strategies for an AUV and UAV. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 70(1-4): 373-384 (2013)
- Mangal Kothari, P. B. Sujit, Ian Postlethwaite: A distributed closed-loop probabilistic robust prioritized motion planning algorithm. CCA 2013: 115-121
- J. F. Araujo, P. B. Sujit, João B. Sousa: Multiple UAV area decomposition and coverage. CISDA 2013: 30-37
- P. B. Sujit, Daniel E. Lucani, João B. Sousa: Bridging Cooperative Sensing and Route Planning of Autonomous Vehicles. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 30(5): 912-922 (2012)
- Michael A. Goodrich, Sean Kerman, Brian Pendleton, P. B. Sujit: What Types of Interactions do Bio-Inspired Robot Swarms and Flocks Afford a Human? Robotics: Science and Systems 2012
- Sujit, P. B., and J. B. Sousa. “Multi-UAV task allocation with communication faults” American Control Conference (ACC), 2012. IEEE, 2012.
- Michael A. Goodrich, Brian Pendleton, P. B. Sujit, José Pinto: Toward human interaction with bio-inspired robot teams. SMC 2011: 2859-2864
- Ratnoo, Ashwini, P. B. Sujit, and Mangal Kothari. “Adaptive optimal path following for high wind flights” 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy. Vol. 2. 2011.
- Manathara, Joel G., P. B. Sujit, and Randal W. Beard. “Multiple UAV coalitions for a search and prosecute mission.” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems62.1 (2011): 125-158.